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Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Through Christ we Inspire and Flourish

School Values

  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding


The children had a wonderful visit to Parliament.  As well as the World Book Day events the children got the chance to see parts of the Palace of Westminster.  The House of Commons had debates going on so it was not possible to visit there but the children did get into the Westminster Hall, St Stephen's Porch, St Stephen's Hall and the central lobby where tv interviews happen..  They learnt a bit about the history of the building and about the renovation works that are currently happening to preserve the building for future generations.

They got time to walk across Westminster Bridge and see the building they had visited from the outside.

It was a shame the return journey was so long for everyone, although I think the visit to MacDonalds helped!

The children were really well behaved and asked some great questions.   It was a really memorable day.

We hope you enjoy the pictures - there will be more as the week goes on, so do keep checking back.
