Year 6 Home Learning Projects about the Ancient Civilisation of Benin HT 4
Y6 World War 2 Home Learning Projects
Y6 Remembrance Service Y6 were inviyed to jooin the Royal British Legion, the Mayor and Rev. Harvey Gibbons for a Remembrance service at Oswestry cemetery. The Shropshire Star attended.
Y6 World War 1 Independent Power Point Research Projects.
BBC Bitesize KS1 History Link The link attached if for the KS1 children to use to access additional information about the History they are learning in the classroom, or if they have an interest in the subject.
BBC Bitesize KS2 History Link The link attached if for the KS2 children to use to access additional information about the History they are learning in the classroom, or if they have an interest in the subject.