Mastery Maths at KS2
New Maths Planning for 2024-25
Times Tables Rock Stars Guide for parents 2024-25
7.6.23 The Parents Guide to helping your child with Primary Mathematics
7.6.23 Maths Games for Free
A heartfelt thank you to everyone that took part and supported Our Lady in supporting the NSPCC Number Day event.
Together we raised £74.14.
NSPCC Number Day 2023
Friday 3rd February 2023
Our Lady & St. Oswald's Catholic Primary School are excited to be supporting the NSPCC in holding a fun full day of Maths fun in supporting this amazing charity. Please dress up with a maths theme and donate £1 to support the future good works of the NSPCC that we in Our Lady's have been fortunate to engage with.
27th January 2023
Dear Parent or Carer,
Big Maths
We would like to inform you of the re launch of the Our Lady Counts Parents Meeting and invite you to our next Maths Support Session for the Spring Term which is all about Big Maths.
This session will be held on Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 2.30 p.m. and will take the form of explanations of Big Maths Clics, Learn its, SAFES, examples of the questions and guidance on how to support children in their home learning environment.
If you would like to attend this session, please complete the electronic form by the 16th February 2023, in order for me to prepare the workshop resources and refreshments, based on numbers.
In the future I would like the agenda for these meeting to be set by you, the parents, to support you in being confident when helping your children at home, so please let me know your ideas for how I can best support you and your children in forthcoming sessions.
I look forward to hearing your suggestions and seeing you there.
Mrs. Stowell
Maths Lead
NRICH is an excellent site to access a wide range of age appropriate Problem Solving and Reasoning questions. There is a super facility to access `LIVE PROBLEMS` where you can submit your solutions , gain a certificate and wait for responses from other children and compare your findings.
If you have a go, please let me know if you submit a solution . I would love to share your success and enjoyment during Special Mention Assembly.
Use this link below to get you started.
14th November 2022
Today, is the start of Maths Week England and to celebrate this St Martin's and St. Therese's Classes joined with between 6 and 8 thousand children from 275 schools across Great Britian to have a live Problem-Solving lesson hosted by Charlie and Liz from NRICH.
Please see the photographs below this post.
We had a fun 45-minute session solving various number problems and learning more about the NRICH website.
I witnessed such enthusiasm and engagement from the children, as well as seeing a real sense of fun in learning and trying out different solutions to the problems that it was a fantastic start to the week.
Charlie and Liz introduced the children to the `Live Problems on the NRICH site which the children can have a go at themselves and submit their reasoning and answers to NRICH themselves to share their joy of learning.
You can access the live problems :
Primary Live Problems (
Today, the classes had a go at Less is more, which is a Live problem which you can submit your solutions to using the following link:
Please have a look at these wonderful resources and have a go!
If you have a go and submit solutions please let us know as we would love to see your solutions too.
Good luck and have fun!!