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Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Through Christ we Inspire and Flourish

School Values

  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding

Prayer and Liturgy Overview

Weekly Schedule of Prayer & Liturgy 


Each Monday we gather together as a whole school family in an assembly focussed on the teachings of the Sunday Gospel. We pray together, listen to scripture and the children and staff are challenged to 'go forth' in mission throughout the week with one of the key messages or teachings we learn together. 


On a Tuesday, and Wednesday we join togther in class and and folow the Daily Prayer that linked to Mondays Gospel assembly. The children take responsibility for prayer & liturgy in their classes.


On Thursday, the teaching staff plan and lead 'Songs of Praise'. A prayer service that prepares us for the upcoming Mass and where we learn and pray worship songs and hymns.  


Finally on a Friday, we gather once again as a whole school to celebrate the gifts and talents that God has given us. We take time to Thank God for the wonderful things that has happened through the week, and we celebrate the spiritual, academic and sporting achievements of children across the school. 
