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Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Through Christ we Inspire and Flourish

School Values

  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding

St Anthony

Welcome to St Anthony's 2024

Autumn Term 1 - 2024 Planning

St Anthony's class timetable

Forest School

Role play in St Anthony-Zacchaeus 2023

Spelling list autumn term 2023

Welcome back to the summer term. I hope you have had a peaceful Easter. Fingers crossed the weather will be brighter and I certainly like to see the lighter evenings. 

Games this term will remain on a Wednesday and P.E on a Friday. Swimming is on a Tuesday, we recommend the children wear their costume under their uniform for speed and ease. Just remember to pack underwear and a towel!

As you can see from the overview below, our termly topic is The Tudors. We will be looking at different aspects of Tudor life and comparing this to our lives today. I think the childern will find that we are very lucky! Later on in the term we will make collages of Henry V111 and his queens.

Although homework is under consultation, we hope that the children read at least 3 times a week and DOJO points will continue to be awarded in St Anthony's class. Big Maths is online as is and I think these are  valuable tools  to support the children.

I look forward to seeing you at the Termly consultation in 26th April.

Summer Term Timetable 2023

St Anthony's Gymnastic Stars

Parents Summer Term overview

Summer 1 Planning overview

Summer 2 Planning

Spring 2023


Welcome back to a new term.

I'm really excited about this term's topic! We will be looking at Prehistoric Times. Starting with the Stone Age, Bronze Age and then the Iron Age. By second half of the term, I am hoping the weather will have improved and that we will be able to walk up to the Oswestry Hill Fort and have our picnic lunch up there, (fingers crossed!).

Please have a look at St Anthony's medium term plan for more detail on what we will be covering.

Homework details are in the home learning section and all passwords etc remain the same.

Mrs R-L and I hope the children enjoy the activities we have planned for them.

As always, any problems or difficulties accessing the work do not hesitate to contact us.


Parents termly information Spring 2023

Welcome back Autumn 2022

Welcome to St Anthony class hope you have all enjoyed your summer break and are ready for the new school year ahead. Below you will find a few reminders in readiness for this coming year.

PE kits are to be worn to school every Wednesday and Friday. Homework will be handed out every Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. (Spelling tests are every Friday!) 

Children have a reading record and every week, new spellings will be glued in and details of when homework is set on please encourage your child to bring in their book every day. Dojo points will be given to pupils who have remembered it and for those who have read the previous night. Please read as often as you can with your child to increase their fluency. Please sign the record when you have listened to your child read-they can write the details in if that is more convenient as long as you sign it. (Any messages you would like to pass on are to be written within the book, however, please come in or phone the school if you would like to discuss any matter further.)

‘Bug’ books will be changed on a Wednesday and children will be given the opportunity to visit the library and choose a book on a Monday, these books can be changed the following Monday.

 I have also given the children a ‘Shelf Book.’ They can change these as required and I will use these for individual reading in class.

Our Forest school session is on a Monday and I suggest that pupils bring their wellies to wear (or some footwear to change into) as we will be out in all weathers!

 This coming term out topic will be based on the Victorians and I am planning a visit to Shrewsbury Prison this term.


We hope to get the chance to meet you in person soon,

Mrs H. Jones and Mrs H. Rogers- Leggett.

Parents information meeting

Timetable Autumn 2022
