Autumn Term 2024
Weekly Home Learning Expectations – Autumn Term
1. Reading Practise – Please take some time to share stories and read with your child, once your child has a reading book please support your child to practise their reading at least 3 times a week - short daily practise is most beneficial to their reading development, please record all home reading in their Reading Journal. All children will change their books to share on a Thursday. Year 1 children will read to an adult on a Monday and Thursday, but may read more with class volunteers, so if they could please bring their reading folder to school each day.
2. Phonics Practise - Please practise RWI sounds with your children at home.
In the first half term Reception children will be learning Set 1 sounds, we have learnt the first 20 sounds
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z
In the second half term we will be learning the remaining Set 1 sounds -
x th ch qu ng nk ll ss ff ck
We are also working our blending skills to read words using these sounds (see below Words to practise)
3. Weekly Spellings Year 1 - will start from after October half term.
Thank you for your continuing support, if you have any problems please let me.