St Francis
Welcome to St Francis’ Class
A big welcome to all our new children and their families, we hope you all had a lovely summer. My name is Luke O'Meara and I will be your child/ren’s teacher until Miss Clare Roberts takes over at the Start of October. I am excited to get to know both children and adults alike and look forward to meeting you all!
PE - Monday & Wednesday -Children to come into school in their PE kit. This consists of: black shorts, white t-shirt, school jumper and trainers. They will have an outdoor sports session (depending on weather) with TNS Sports every Wednesday and an indoor PE session with myself, every Monday. As the weather gets colder, children can wear plain black tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
Forest School - We will be having Forest School session every Thursday. Please can children bring in a pair of wellies and waterproofs to keep on their pegs at school.
Phonics/Reading - Children will be bringing their reading book home on Friday with a reading journal for them to practise their reading. Please read the information in the reading journal and try to read with your child as often as possible (ideally every night but at least 3 times a week) and write a comment in their reading journal. It is important for your child’s reading progress for them to share stories and read regularly at home as well as in school. Please ensure that children bring their Reading Folder into school every day as they will be reading with adults throughout the week.
School Dinners & Milk – All children in Key Stage One (Reception/Year One/Year Two) are entitled to free school meals. All children under five are also entitled to free milk, if you would like your child to continue having milk after they turn five this must then be paid for via Cool Milk Scheme (please ask at school office). Fruit will also be provided at morning snack time; children can bring in their own fruit if they would prefer.
Star of the Week – Each week we will choose one child from our class to be Star of the Week, they will receive a certificate in assembly and join Mrs O’Dwyer for Hot Choc Friday.
Please can the children come to school with a labelled water bottle and waterproof coat as we will be learning outside as much as possible!
Website – Please visit the School Website at and look at our class page for further information/updates. Thank you for your support and if you have any questions or queries, please come in and speak to us or email
Mr O'Meara, Mrs Rogers-Leggatt and Miss Christmas