Welcome Message
Welcome to Our Lady & St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School.
Our Lady & St Oswald’s is a happy, caring and successful school. We value the strong partnerships built between our families, the community and fellow professionals, all working to ensure our children feel happy, secure, respected and valued in their own right. We strive to ensure each child reaches his or her full potential – developing his or her faith, confidence, skills and achievements.
For those of you planning your child’s future education, we hope this website gives you a taste of our school and the information you require. You are, of course, very welcome to visit school too.
For parents of children currently at school, we hope this reinforces what you already experience with your children.
Please take a look at your class pages to find out about all the fun and exciting learning that will be taking place this year and access some fun pages and links. Most importantly please use this site – your site – to add to your learning experiences and recommend sites and links that we can add on your behalf.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Nikki O'Dwyer
Head Teacher
Mrs Amanda Ali
Chair of Governors