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Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Through Christ we Inspire and Flourish

School Values

  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Understanding

Week 1 6.1.25



1. Maths: To work on TTRS for at least 15 minutes a day over four days.

2. Reading: Reading aloud to a parent or carer should occur at minimum three times a week and a note written in the Reading Records to say it have been completed. Please read with your child and discuss the text read, as in Year 6 the focus is on understanding what has been read more than the mechanics of reading. 

3. Please be aware that there are several SPAG.COM exercises available for the children to complete on line. The log ins are in the reading records.

4. The power point An African Country Explored, to be on going and due in 5.2.25. It should explain all about the chosen African country, in the children’s own words, including detail on location in Africa, population, places of interest, climate, fashion, food, culture, religion , ecosystems etc , including any relevant information the children want to add.

5. Spellings to learn this week: Referring, referred, referral, reference, referee, preferring, preferred, preference, transferring, transference.

